IEO platform Scopuly Launch

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19.09.2019 by
IEO platform Scopuly Launch

Scopuly Launch will be not only the first of its kind for assets built on Stellar but also the first full-cycle decentralized IEO platform on the market. It will comprise all stages of the IEO process — from initial selection and verification to token emission and distribution of raised funds.

A fully functional release of the platform is already available on

All interactions between issuers and buyers will be governed by the smart contract. This way, investors can be sure to receive their tokens just a few seconds after completing the purchase. Scopuly Launchpad will be a great option for projects wishing to attract funding, even on a low budget. It goes without saying that only projects whose activities don’t go against the law will be able to join Scopuly Launchpad.

The main criteria when selecting projects for the platform will be the quality of the underlying idea and its implementation. The team of Scopuly will verify the existence of the founders and team (KYC), implementation stage, and so forth. Only data available from public sources (such as ICO Bench and other large project aggregators) will be used. Project founders will retain full control over all the funds they raise during an IEO.

When issuing their tokens on Scopuly Launch, IEO teams will enjoy all the benefits of the Stellar blockchain, including its high processing speed, near-zero costs, etc. Moreover, Scopuly Launchpad offers the following advantages:

– Decentralization of all major processes eliminates the risk of manipulations on behalf of the platform. This is particularly important in the context of multiple complaints raised from project founders against centralized exchanges that suddenly cancel IEOs and refuse to return the deposit — or simply falsify sales numbers to keep part of the money;

– Careful selection and evaluation of all projects based on the publicly available data (such as ICO Bench): poor-quality and suspicious projects will not be able to hold their IEO on Scopuly Trade even for an additional fee;

– Zero fee for selling, distributing, and burning tokens;

– Customizable emission: utility tokens for accessing dApps, tokenized shares, etc.

– Instant purchases of all tokens for SCOP directly from the Scopuly Wallet;

– Buying tokens for fiat currency in just a few clicks;

– Purchased tokens can be transferred or exchanged immediately;

– No need to pass a complex KYC;

– Minimal fees for listing a project (no more than $200);

– Projects can decide how many IEO rounds they want to hold, which share of the tokens to offer in each round, and which price to set;

– Buyers face no limitations on how many tokens they can purchase;

– Fast processing of all incoming requests: only a few days are needed to launch an IEO;

– Tools for launching airdrops, bounty campaigns, and affiliate programs;

– Newly issued tokens will be available for trading on the same day in Scopuly Trade;

– Customizing each IEO to the needs of each project, team, community, or asset;

– The easiest, most straightforward way to tokenize any startups, real-world businesses, real estate, etc.

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